Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 15th and 16th: Palmyra, NY

Brockport NY to Palmyra NY Sept 15 (61 Miles)

I stayed in a Hotel for a couple of days to try and get my Poison Ivy to get better and perhaps it was worth it. My nice beautiful rash is finally starting to get smaller instead of bigger. That is very nice.

I left Brockport and continued to ride down the Erie Canal Trail through Rochester, NY and on to Palmyra, NY. Early this morning I saw several rabbits, some chipmunks, some pretty squirrels and a couple of big fat ground hogs. The ground hogs were fairly tame and let me ride by pretty close. The squirrel s are a very pretty light brown color with gray tails. I don’t know what type they are. I met another man on a bike and he was just moseying along about 12 miles per hour. I was in a hurry so I was going about 14 mph trying to get to Palmyra before the visitors center for the historical sites there closed. Anyway, I passed this guy and it obviously irritated him and The Race Was On. He sped up and passed me back to prove he was the man – which he wasn’t. I was the Man. Anyway, I busted my hiney for about 5 miles riding 14 to 16 mph to keep up with this guy as he sped down the dirt bike path along side of the Erie Canal. I could have passed him any day but I was trying to be polite. I don’t think I could have kept up that pace with the gear on my bike a month ago, but today I did ok and it actually felt good to do something besides just mosey down the trail. After about 5 miles the guy pulled over and sat on a park bench. I was kind of glad. I’m sure he was pooped, -- I was fine… I slowed down to about 13 miles an hour till I got into Palmyra.

I got to Rochester and the trails were winding all over the place around the canal, trails into Rochester, trails down other rivers, etc. I came to one point and the trails were winding and merging with each other and the trail builders had placed big rocks on the side of the trial for decorations I guess. Anyway, I was riding along at a medium pace and somehow I caught my right pannier on a big rock as I curved around the trail. The rock grabbed my pannier and pulled the wheel of my bike hard into the rock and slammed it down into the dirt. I am not sure exactly how I did this, but somehow I got my feet unclipped and jumped over the handlebars of my bike and hit the trail on my feet running down the trail until I could catch my balance and stop. I turned around and walked back to my bike and it took me 15 minutes to adjust my front brakes because the wreck messed them up and they were rubbing after the wreck. I was very glad that I did not wind up on my Beautiful Face in the dirt trail. I am just not that fond of True Grit any more. I do not know how I got my feet out of my pedals and off my bike before I bit the dust. I can only attribute it to “Sheer Luck” or perhaps to my “Superior Athletic Ability” and my “Cat-like Reflexes”. I am pretty sure it was due to my Superior Athletic Ability but I am not positive.

I did not have a lot of time to prepare for this trip so I didn’t even realize that I was going to go through Palmyra until a few days ago when I looked at my maps when I was in the hotel. There is a lot of LDS church history in Palmyra, NY so I stopped there and spent several hours touring the Grandin Printing Press building where the first 5000 Books of Mormon were printed. I also went to the replica of the Joseph Smith Sr. Log home and the mostly original larger frame home that Alvin Smith began to build for his parents before he died. I saw the Joseph Smith Sr. farm and barn and the Sacred Grove where Joseph Smith Jr. saw God the Father and Jesus. I then went down the road to the Hill Cumorah and toured that site and the visitor’s center.

I am glad I stopped there. It was a very special few hours. As I walked through the Sacred Grove, it was very nice because the main tourist season is over and I was the only person in the Sacred Grove. I walked around the woods there for over an hour without anyone else there. I could feel the special spirit of that sacred place.

I saw the Grandin Printing presses where the first Books of Mormon were printed. Having worked in the publishing business for several years, it is quite interesting that many of the things that the printers did 150 years ago have not really changed all that much. Same 16 page signatures, printing on both sides of the paper, folding the signatures and cutting off the edges, etc. The mechanization of the technology is certainly more advanced today, but the methodology is very similar. The first Books of Mormon were printed and bound with very high quality so they would last. They cost $1.25 back then to print. That would be the equivalent of about $300 in today’s money. I wonder how many people would purchase a Bible or a Book of Mormon today if we had to pay $300 for it? $1.25 back then was the equivalent of 2 days wages with a very good job. Makes you think a little bit about the sacrifices that were made to do some of the things in the early days of the church.

I went into Palmyra and there are 4 prominent churches on the main intersection of the city. A Baptist Church, a Methodist Church, an Episcopal Church, and a Presbyterian Church. I took photos of them. The buildings are actually quite pretty. Joseph Smith said that was a lot of rivalry between some of the churches to secure members back in his day. Based on what I saw in Palmyra, it does not look like some of those things have changed a whole lot in the last 150 years. I saw a truck in the city pulling a big trailer with some signs on it with some recruiting messages on it. Some of the messages were quite negative.

I went to the Hill Cumorah and Sister Clark made me a peanut butter sandwich with homemade bread, cream cheese, peanut butter, and homemade raspberry jam. It was very good. She also gave me an apple to eat. I had not eaten lunch or dinner because I was in a hurry to get to the historical sites before they closed so it was pretty nice of her to make me a sandwich.

When I went in the visitor’s center I took some photos and had a tour of the Visitors Center. The Christ Statue in the Visitors Center is very Beautiful. (See Photo) I walked up on the hill and just sat there a while. It also is a very special place. As I came down the hill to my bike, there was a note on my seat to come and see Brother and Sister Clark. So I did and they invited me to stay the night in their spare apartment bedroom, get a shower, and eat with them. I thought that was very nice of them and I took them up on their offer. Sister Clark fixed a lovely dinner and a great breakfast for me. I washed my clothes and got a shower and slept in a nice bed. They were very kind. Once again, kind people everywhere.

It was not my intent on this trip to preach to people about the LDS church and if I come across that way to some of you, I apologize. I am not trying to push Mormonism down anyone’s throat, but I also am not embarrassed to let people know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Some people call us Mormons) I also want you to know that I have read the Bible front to back several times and have studied it and I know that it is the word of God and testifies of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. I believe the Bible is the word of God. I have also read the Book of Mormon many times and have studied it and I have prayed about it to know if it is True. I have received a special spiritual witness that the Book of Mormon is True and is another Witness of the Divinity of Jesus Christ and also is the Word of God as a second testament of Jesus Christ. I know that God lives. I know that Jesus is the Christ and is our Savior and Redeemer. The Book of Mormon is simply a history of an ancient people that left Jerusalem and made their way to the American Continent. It is also a history of Jesus Christ visiting the people in America after his Crucifixion and Resurrection. He taught the people in the Americas the Gospel. The Book of Mormon contains a history of the American people and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is one of the reasons the Aztecs, and the Indians have many beliefs and traditions that refer to the “Great White God”. I have a testimony that The Book of Mormon is scripture and testifies of Christ. I also have a testimony that Joseph Smith was called of God as a Prophet and through him God restored his church to the earth. If anyone ever wants to talk to me about this later, then feel free to contact me. It is not my intent to offend anyone or to preach to anyone, but I went through Palmyra and had the opportunity to see some very special historical things concerning the LDS Church and I thought I should at least tell you what my feelings were about those things I had the opportunity to see there.

As I was getting ready to leave the Hill Cumorah Visitors center a man walked in with his wife and he looked familiar to me so I was watching him. He began to speak and immediately I recognized his voice but I could not place his name. So I walked up and asked what his name was. He said Karl Larson. I worked with him in the Utah National Guard over 20 years ago. I did not expect to ride my bike 3200 miles and then see an old friend at the Hill Cumorah visitor’s center. It was good to see him and we visited for a few minutes. He and his wife Margaret were touring across the US for a few weeks and we just happened to meet there. The world sometimes is a small place.

After I visited the church historical sites I went back to the Clark’s home and Sister Clark prepared a very nice meal and it was great to visit with them. She also fixed me a great breakfast and sent me down the road with some food. What a nice couple.

Palmyra, NY to Fulton, NY. (74 miles)

I did not leave as early as I had planned because I was visiting with the Clarks and you know how my mouth runs. Anyway I left about 9:00 and headed down the road. I got 74 miles today so I don’t feel too bad about that. I saw a few animals. There are beautiful squirrels in New York. Most of the squirrels are brown with beautiful grey tails. I have also seen a few black squirrels about the same size, in Canada and New York. I rode up to Lake Ontario and rode down the shore of Lake Ontario for 20 miles or so. Very beautiful lake with beautiful blue water.

Of course the wind was blowing pretty hard today, especially near the lake. And of course the wind was blowing directly in my face. I have decided I no longer care about the wind. Let it blow. Let it blow in my face all day every day. I don’t care. I am going to Maine. The wind can go to California if it wants to, but I am going to Maine. We are just going to be friends now. The wind and me. Buddy’s for Life.

I met some more nice people of course. I was looking over my maps and a lady stopped to see if I needed anything. Don’t worry Lori she was NOT looking for a date. She and her husband ride bikes a lot and she was just making sure I was not broken down. Pretty nice of her to stop and ask.

I saw a deer this morning. I think it was a buck but it was pretty far away. It looked like it had a rack on its head. It was the first deer I have seen in a while. I did not see any deer in Canada which surprised me. The country there is pretty and sure looked like deer country. I have seen over 1 Bazillion Apple trees in New York. At least now I know why they call New York the “Big Apple”. Apples obviously are big business here. New York a very beautiful state.

Got to Fulton and stayed in a nice camp on the lake with a shower for a reasonable price.

Tug Boat Sept 16 Erie Canal 3
Tug Boat Sept 16 Erie Canal 2
Tug Boat Sept 16 Erie Canal 1
Steve and Marcia Clark Sept 16 missionaries Palmyra NY 2
Steve and Marcia Clark Sept 16 missionaries Palmyra NY 1
Sleeping Squirrel NY
Sister Marcia Clark Sept 16 and Creeping Tadpole 2
Seagull in Fulton NY 3
Sailing in Lake Ontario Sept 16 Fulton NY 72
Sacred Grove Sept 16 Palmyra NY 154
Sacred Grove Sept 16 Palmyra NY 144
Rock Chuck Brockport NY Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 10
Presbyterian Church on Church Corner Sept 15 Palmyra NY
Palmyra Temple Brockport NY Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 80
Palmyra Temple Brockport NY Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 76
Palmyra Temple Brockport NY Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 75
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 58
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 55
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 36
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 35
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 33
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 30
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 27
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 26
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 11
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 10
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 9
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 8
Palmyra NY Sept 16 to Fulton NY 1
Moroni Sept 15 Hill Cumorah 2
Moroni Sept 15 Hill Cumorah 1
Methodist Church on Church Corner Sept 15 to Palmyra
Martin Harris Farm not original house
Martin Harris Farm
Lighthouse Sept 16 in Fulton NY 10
Lighthouse Sept 16 in Fulton NY 4
Lighthouse Sept 16 Fulton NY 12
Lake Ontario Sept 16 in NY 23
Lake Ontario Sept 16 in NY 18
Lake Ontario Sept 16 Fulton NY 71
Lake Ontario Sept 16 Fulton NY 17
Lake Ontario Sept 16 Fulton NY 7
Lake in Fulton Camp Sept 16
Joseph Smith left and Oliver Cowdery Hill Cumorah Visitors Center 27
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 142
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 140
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 139
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 136
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 135
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 133
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 132
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 131
Joseph Smith Farm and Barn Sept 15 Palmyra NY 129
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 128
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 125
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 123
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 122
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 120
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 119
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 118
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 117
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 116
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 115
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 114
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 113
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 112
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 111
Joseph Smith Family barn Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 109
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 108
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 106
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 105
Joseph Smith Family homes Sept 15 to Palmyra NY 104

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